This is why you should post content everyday on linkedin

Dec 30, 2024

People ask me all the time why I post content everyday and this is why: Only 16% of LinkedIn members actually use LinkedIn daily. So if you don’t post daily, your content won’t be seen by the vast majority of people using LinkedIn. Most people who are not entrepreneurs or individuals who like to create content and share and engage don’t see LinkedIn as being a pleasurable place to be. To them it’s “work”. So they use it as little as possible.

Therefore most of the 300m active monthly users, (out of the billion “members” that LinkedIn claim, but most of whom don’t use the platform at all), only use the platform once or twice a week.

Hence why only 16% of the “billion members” bother to use LinkedIn daily, that’s about 160 million. So if you don’t post then you won’t be seen. If you post daily you’re more likely to be seen and your target audience are more likely to engage and potentially become your client or offer you investment or a new job or a NED role or a speaking role or create a partnership. Only 1% of people on LinkedIn create and share content each month.

We 1% then need the 16% of users to see it because only 9% of anyone on LinkedIn at any time actually bothers to comment or like content. 9% of 16%! So the numbers diminish. It gets worse. Only 7% if your follwers see your content unless it gets comments/likes.

Sad but true. Hence why content creators who post original and engaging content, (not just spam woke company content or fake paid-for awards), daily or multiple times a day as I do are rewarded. We lead conversations, we provoke, we engage, we are adding thoughts on local topics and business subjects that the community of LinkedIn users, the 16% can engage with.

So don’t complain that LinkedIn doesn’t work for you when you don’t post every day. If you don’t post then who will know about you and what you do and how you could work together or what you could offer a potential employer or investor or new client? Content marketing works, but you need to do it every day!

If you don’t have the time to do this yourself my team and I would love to help you with your content creation and sharing on LinkedIn, details here :